What We Do
Sunday morning worship and the Eucharist (also called communion, mass, or the Lord's Supper) provide the heartbeat of our common life together, and this nourishment of body, mind and spirit fuels our work and play. The Ministry of the Laity is invited and encouraged at Zion–this means that since we are all the Body of Christ, and every part is cherished, valuable, and necessary. We vary in our time, talents, and resources, but all are welcome to help shape our life together.
- Altar Guild
Teams of guild members take turns preparing the altar for worship, putting things away after church concludes, maintaining our supplies, and making seasonal changes to the sanctuary according to seasons of the Church Year. Linens of different colors and the addition of special elements (like the draped cross during Lent and the Advent wreath in the weeks before Christmas) are some of the ways we mark the changing year. For more information, contact the church office at 656-9502 and leave a message. - Altar Flowers, contact the church office for more information
- Bible Study
- Blessings in a backpack
- Chalice Bearers
- Christmas Collections
- Community Outreach
- Greene Area Churches Lenten Luncheon
- Greene Emergency Food Pantry
- Hospitality and Fellowship
- Ministry to the Homebound
- Readers
- Worship and Pastoral Care