Who We Are
Mission Statement
Zion Episcopal Church in Greene NY is a place where God lives and works through its members. We are warm and welcoming to all! We nurture and actively support the spiritually seeking and present the hope of Christ. We believe God is real in our lives.
We are a small-town, multi-generational Episcopal church in upstate New York with close ties to our surrounding community. Zion was established in 1833. We gratefully approach the mystery of Christ's incarnation during the Holy Eucharist (also known as communion, mass, or the Lord's Supper) and together work out the meaning of His presence in our lives. We accept the possibility of transformation as not merely an idea, but a gift of grace. We receive with gratitude the gifts of compassion and presence, and we work to share these with others. We laugh out loud, sing out loud, and sometimes we sit quietly. We eat together. We welcome children. We have much to learn and we are remarkably imperfect. Yet we are forgiven and loved and that is everything.
Zion Episcopal Church is a member of the Chenango District of Central New York Episcopal Diocese. Zion is located in the southwest corner of Chenango County. We strive to share God's love through service and compassion in this community in this community in which it is deeply rooted. We are members of the ecumenical church group within Greene. We own a rectory where our priest can live. We hope to find a priest who can serve a 40% time commitment with us.
During our current transition, we have services on Saturday evenings at 5:00 PM. We celebrate Eucharist on the first and third Saturday of each month. The second, fourth, and fifth (if applicable) we celebrate Evening Prayer led by our laity.
Community Partnerships and Parish Outreach Host
- 12 step programs
- School Blessings in a Backpack
- Food Pantry
- Meals on Wheels
- Labor Day Stuff-A-Bus
- Greene Area Churches Chicken BBQ every Labor Day
- Annual Christmas Collections Concert
Our Goals for the Future

The congregation post pandemic is searching to fully expand and integrate our services, parish life, and community outreach with the following aims:
- Call for a Priest
- Grow the congregation and share our faith
- Be open and welcoming to younger parishioners and their children
- Assess the worship needs of the congregation
- Be welcoming for ALL within the church and our community. We strongly believe that the Church is not just a building, but a church body reaching out to meet people where they are.
- Grow our financial resources and create ways to increase stewardship and maximize use of facilities to maintain our ability to do great things with limited resources.